Catch up

List of resources and sites that help you catch up on the news

Slow media. The news you need for the time you have

Mashcast app (NPR). A timely theme-centered mix of NPR News

Varsity Bookmarking. Weekly interview magazine where questions are answered with links.

While you were sleeping. Stuff happens while you were sleeping.

General news.

10 things you need to know today, The Week

10 things you need to know this morning, Business Insider

Marketplace, by Paddy Hirsch

Todays required reading, The New Republic

Slate Explainer, Slate

Specific topics.

Why there’s war in Mali, The Newstapes [4 links]

Drone warfare, Newsbound

The Syrian conflict, BBC News

The fiscal cliff, Newsbound

Defections in Syria, Al Jazeera [infographics]

Delhi gangrape, Hindustan Times [timeline]

Silicon Valley for newbies, The Newstapes [7 links]

One thought on “Catch up

  1. Hello Marie-Catherine Beuth,

    I am working on a web project involving your coined ‘Slow News Movement” and I want to talk to you about it as well as if you would be interested in becoming an advisor on the team.

    Thanks in advance,

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